الجمعة، 17 سبتمبر 2010

تحسين اداء رام السيرفر How to optimize ram of server Flush cache on the ram using linux system.

Often servers always need more RAM.
For those who have a server lowcost certainly will have little ram.
Cache RAM is certainly very high performance, part of the RAM that the operating system uses to temporarily store a copy of the data just read from storage devices. In this way, if the same data are again, the processor can obtain it more quickly.

You can see in Megabytes usage of the RAM by the command:
free -m

Too bad if you use the whole RAM just for the cache no longer room for other applications.

This command will prevent you reboot the server to clear the ram.
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

This command, if put in cronjob every 24 hours for example, can help the servers that have limited RAM and need to use it to run applications that generate operations always different and require no cache.

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