الجمعة، 17 سبتمبر 2010

How to install application with portsnap Installing an application on FreeBSD using Portsnap

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Hello All,

This time we learn an easey mode to install same applications on FreeBSD.
BSD use a Portsnap archive, like apt-get for debian/ubuntu, yum for fedore/centos, emerge for gentoo..

Well, frist need to update the archive
portsnap fetch

And Extract it
portsnap extract

Now we have the full archive of applications rady to download and install on /usr/ports/.

To install an application, like nano, just find the directory where are the installation files.
whereis nano

And we find: /usr/ports/editors/nano

Now just go in this directory and install the application.
cd /usr/ports/editors/nano

make install clean

Now the application are installed. After the installation for take effect run:

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